Freenove Super Starter Kit for ESP8266 (Included) (Compatible with Arduino IDE), ESP-12S Onboard Wi-Fi, MicroPython C Code, 496-Page Detailed Tutorial, 173 Items, 77 Projects

2 programing languages -> MicroPython and C.496-page detailed tutorial (including basic electronics knowledge) -> The download link can be found on the product box. (No paper tutorial.)173 items for 77 projects -> Each project has circuit diagrams and verified code with detailed explanations.ESP8266...

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Dettagli sul prodotto

2 programing languages -> MicroPython and C.
496-page detailed tutorial (including basic electronics knowledge) -> The download link can be found on the product box. (No paper tutorial.)
173 items for 77 projects -> Each project has circuit diagrams and verified code with detailed explanations.
ESP8266 (ESP-12S) -> A powerful and small controller with onboard Wi-Fi. (Included in this kit.)
Get support -> Our technical support team is always ready to answer your questions.